
Work: A Folded Path
Bio: Circumstance is an international artists collective that creates cinematic experiences in unexpected locations. Established in 2010 as a framework for the collaboration of Duncan Speakman, Sarah Anderson and Emilie Grenier, Circumstance now acts as an umbrella for a number of international artists working on specific projects. Their works take many forms, from mass participation performances and intimate in-ear stories, to books, installations and workshops. They collaborate with technologists, programmers, writers, designers and producers to make the extraordinary manifest in the everyday. Using both emergent and commonplace technology, they try to make films without cameras. They take the politics of mobile technology and public space, then wrap up their questions in melancholy and romance. Circumstance is regularly invited to present their work internationally and recent exhibitions include Microwave (HK), TPAM (Tokyo), Kontraste (Krems), SonicActs (Amsterdam), Playpublik (Berlin), MOCA (Taipei), Vooruit (Gent), MediaCity (Seoul) and ArteMov (Sao Paulo), Barbican (London), FutureEverything (Manchester), Edinburgh Film Festival, and Soho Theatre (London).

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