Malcolm Riddoch

Work: Drive In Radio Music
Bio: Dr Malcolm Riddoch has an education background in science, communications and philosophy. He has been actively involved in experimental electroacoustic music performance and electronic arts for the last two decades along with working in the multimedia industry specialising in interactive design for the internet, digital audio production and collaborative server development. He has lectured in electronic art and music since 2002, assisting in the creation and development of the Composition and Music Technology degree stream at WAAPA, Edith Cowan University from 2007-13. He is a founding partner in independent online music label Hidden Shoal Recordings, Secretary of the Cantabrian Society of Sonic Artists and of the Australasian Computer Music Association. Malcolm combines his research interest in a phenomenology of organized sound with his electronic music and sound art praxis in various collaborative projects and as a solo performer, exhibiting and performing in Australia, New Zealand, Europe and Asia.

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